Staggering Stories Podcast #113: Burn, Baby, Burn!
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Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Jay Doran, Jean Riddler and Keith Dunn talk about Torchwood: Miracle Day episodes five and six, the BFI preview of Doctor Who: Let’s Kill Hitler, plus Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:
- 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
- 01:00 — Welcome!
- 02:19 – News:
- 02:30 — Doctor Who: Let’s Kill Hitler on the 27th of August 2011.
- 04:35 — Eureka: Dead!
- 08:44 — Hong Kong Phooey: Eddie Murphy takes on Penry.
- 11:35 — Ianto Jones: Guest starred on Warehouse 13.
- 13:03 — Doctor Who: DWM spoiling it again?
- 17:48 – Doctor Who: Spoiler-free general impressions of Let’s Kill Hitler.
- 27:03 – Torchwood: Miracle Day episodes 3 and 4.
- 47:47 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two.
- 62:31 – Competition Time!
- 65:40 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at
- 91:01 – Whooverville 3: Join us on the 3rd of September in Derby, UK.
- 91:35 – Farewell for this podcast!
- 92:07 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
Vital Links:
- Staggering Stories.
- Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game, Fifth edition.
- BBC: Doctor Who.
- Syphy: Eureka.
- Wikipedia: Hong Kong Phooey.
- Wikipedia: Ianto Jones.
- Syphy: Warehouse 13.
- Wikipedia: Doctor Who Magazine.
- BBC: Torchwood.
- Wikipedia: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (film).
- The Whoovers Doctor Who Group.
- Facebook: Whooverville 3 Event Page.
- Mister M’s Feedback Link: Mister M’s Facebook Profile.
- Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
- Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
- Twitter: Adam J Purcell.
Below is the feedback we kindly received for this podcast.
These will be presented in rough order of when we received them. This won’t match the order in which we read them out!
As ever, please feel free to comment on them here on the blog, though please note we won’t read any such replies on the podcast, for that please continue to email us at
Thank you all!
hello team, and a big hellooooo to the signed photo of Karen in a special non-sticky, wipe downable cover.
No doubt by now you have seen and talked about the new trailer for series 6b, well all of you except the member of the team who has a hissy fit at potential spoilers. When I saw River Song in her eye patch I straight away thought she reminded me of Travis from Blakes 7. So if River Song is going to be the new Travis what about the rest of the crew. Amy could be Servalan. I can just picture her in some of those outfits. Matt could be Villa, and Ar’fer could be Blake as an man who is constantly having his ideals smashed by the utter pointlessness of the world around him. Oh and could die every time he uses the teleporter.
On the subject of spoilers, surely the DWM cover was not a spoiler as the Death happened within the first third of the episode. As a rule of thumb for the people who write blurbs, anything that happens within the first third is up for grabs, as an inducement to watch the show/film etc. So all DWM did was follow the usual rules to get people watching by telling them what might happen to get people to watch to find out. In my perfect world that was not a spoiler. Still you can go and have a hissy fit if you want.
O Captain, My Captain.
hello team, and a big hellooooo to the signed photo of Karen in a special non-sticky, wipe downable cover.
No doubt by now you have seen and talked about the new trailer for series 6b, well all of you except the member of the team who has a hissy fit at potential spoilers. When I saw River Song in her eye patch I straight away thought she reminded me of Travis from Blakes 7. So if River Song is going to be the new Travis what about the rest of the crew. Amy could be Servalan. I can just picture her in some of those outfits. Matt could be Villa, and Ar’fer could be Blake as an man who is constantly having his ideals smashed by the utter pointlessness of the world around him. Oh and could die every time he uses the teleporter.
On the subject of spoilers, surely the DWM cover was not a spoiler as the Death happened within the first third of the episode. As a rule of thumb for the people who write blurbs, anything that happens within the first third is up for grabs, as an inducement to watch the show/film etc. So all DWM did was follow the usual rules to get people watching by telling them what might happen to get people to watch to find out. In my perfect world that was not a spoiler. Still you can go and have a hissy fit if you want.
O Captain, My Captain.
Ah, hello all.
I did go to college I swear! (Or university as you all call it?)
I meant to say, “And try to avoid spoilers like WE did.”
Whoops! Be seeing you!
And Torchwood is getting horribly sad again! Dammit! I know burning the doctor alive served the story but c’mon she was the best character! Oh well, that’s what you get for sending a non-field agent who can’t keep emotions in check. (She would have been fine if she hadn’t attacked the camp director personally like that. He didn’t flip out and shoot until she started to call him “little man”).
Guess I better get used to Esther. I know she is the “regular person” analogue but she’s a little tiresome. And Rex is worse than Owen! But since it is RTD I guess everyone will die so that’s fine. (Maybe?)
On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 11:48 PM, A P wrote:
> Dear Team…
> Oh, and HAH again! Now you all got to experience what we did with the
> stupid American Holiday delaying Dr Who. You had to wait for
> Torchwood! And had to try to avoid spoliers like did! Who’s crying,
> “As long as it has aired it is fair game” now, eh?
Time for a Bit of Feedback, where i dont have to do much writing.
Only Now! Its Time, for A Story!
Many years ago, (Well, about 3 or 4, but i think ill
still say Many Years Ago!)
Not Many years ago, i went to a rather nice school. And at the ratehr
nice school, was a rather nice teacher. And Thsi ratehr nice teacher
(Mrs, Cooper, to be exact) was a bit keen on a certain TV show – Doctor
Who! Well, You See, She was ratehr interested in a little publication
that was going aroudn teh school and it was called Whosround. She
learnt that The Publication was written by a ceratian MISTER M!
(Obviously, not called that at bThe Time.) And so, she started sending
me reviews of the episodes to Put in THe Whosround Newsletter! So,
Heres one fo em!
Well, ive had to send it as an attachment, because my laptop wont let
me copy it into this feedback!
If you Like itm, ive got tons of bntis like this i coudl send to you. I
began whosround in June 2007, and contineud it all the way through to
July 2010, so theres tons of Articles! But she was a good teacher.
Latin teacher in fact, Thsi ment we got to watch the Fires of Pompeii
in Class, and The cOnfidentail, and i Borught The DWM (Breath, Adam,
Breath.) Artcile about filming the ep! Plus, if i ever decide to truly
reveal who i am, the n i might show you some of my Own Doctro WHo
Scritps – 20 in Total, an a spin off! And Dont worry, vie spell checked
Now, I was goign to talk (write) about spiolers, but on the facebook i
seem to have gone on about it with Adam for quite a bit, so, here is
oru facebook conversation!
Adam J Purcell
So, Let’s Kill Hitler! Really very good indeed. A spoiler free review
is probably impossible. Lots of explanation & exposition but very fun.
15 hours ago via Twitter
Alan T Butcher likes this..
MISTER M ; a DWM Tweet has spioled me already. damn them.
3 hours ago · Like.
Adam J Purcell
So I hear. At the risk of further spoilers (which it won’t be, merely
speculation based on a massively short clip) I wouldn’t necessarily
take what they said on face value. The returnee in question features as
a tiny, tiny shot during the ‘half season’ trailer at the end of the
episode. You’ll see it yourself in under two weeks, assuming you don’t
avoid it by turning over! I’m not convinced it is quite what it appears
to be. Hard to say from the clip, though.
3 hours ago · Like.
I dont follow DWM, i just read it on site that collects all Doctro Who
Tweets. I wouldnt say its the sites fault, as there were alot of tweets
about the screenign last night, and they normally filter out the
3 hours ago · Like.
But, no. I Dont like knowing returnign monsters are coming back. I Like
the shocks! Only once or tewice has this worked. Once with The Master
in Series 3 (How did i avoid That one? Good i must have been lucky!)
and secondly with all the returning monsters in The Pnadorica Opens
(Again, how did i survive that one?) I Do seem to find out the less
talked about ones, and miss the ones that have forums not only
exploding but also imploding.
3 hours ago · Like.
I Think that not knowing what the monster/villan is helps the story to
be more shocking. i still have meemorie sof jumping up and down of the
sofa when derek jacobi said ‘i am the master’ and then being so
excitable for the enxt few hours i had to resort to running around the
house for the rest of the night! It gave the following story a much
wider sense of anticipation and suspense. i just couldnt wait for it!
And the Same with The Cult fo Skaro in Army fo Ghosts. I remebr Running
aroudn the Garden actign out A Massive Dlaek/Cyber war, which seemed to
feture The 10th Doctor regenerating, i think.
3 hours ago · Like.
But back to the actual spioler. Even if its just a cameo from a futrue
episode like *** ******* ****** ***** might be ** ******* ***, ** ***
********* *****. At leats i think *** ******* *** anuway. That might
even annoy me further. Just a few seconds of them would be even more
suprising, like the Judoon in AGMGTW! But that me be better that a big
bad or somehting
3 hours ago · Like.
Adam J Purcell
Yeah, I too missed the return of the Master. I think they kept that
pretty well under wraps. As for Pandorica Opens, all I’d seen was a
picture of the stone Dalek but didn’t really understand what it was.
Dodged that bullet too, for the most part!
I too would prefer not to know the returning monsters but I’ve come to
the conclusion that in many cases that is impossible to avoid – they
are often splashed all over the media to entice people in (especially
on the front cover of the Radio times). Then they also go and name
stories like ‘Daleks in Manhattan’.
The reveal of Professor Yana’s true character is definitely a plot
point and a major one at that. A clear case of knowing the returning
villain being a spoiler. Knowing that Alpha Centuari is showing up in
the Christmas Special (don’t worry – it isn’t as far as I know!)
wouldn’t concern me overly!
3 hours ago · Like.
MISTER M Alpha Centuari could marry River. Alpha Song!
3 hours ago · Like.
MISTER M hmm. i was goign to talk about spiolers in feedbakc for the
next podcast (are you recording tonight?) but i think ive already said
what iw anted to say!
2 hours ago · Like.
Adam J Purcell Who knows! Those season trailers just show disconnected
images. There were what appeared to be some Weeping Angels in there but
not knowing anything about upcoming stories, it is impossible for me to
speculate about the all-important context. Same goes for the DWM
But yes, we are indeed recording tonight and would certainly appreciate
the feedback!
2 hours ago · Like.
MISTER M and a quick question. If you dont want to awnser it, then i
wont mind, Does the psidoe feature the Line Lets kill Hitler?
2 hours ago · Like.
Adam J Purcell I don’t think that’s too much of a spoiler! If you want
to know, then yes, it features that line very early in the episode!
2 hours ago · Like.
MISTER M thanks! youre to good to me!
2 hours ago · Like.
Right Then. That was Easy. A.K.A MSITER M
P.S Try searching for Me on Facebook. You Wont Fidn me
P.P.S Well. You Might if you go to here ;!/profile.php?id=100001186636146
P.P.P.S Please. Be my Friend
P.P.P.P.S I Have no Friends
P.P.P.P.P.S Except for my favoruite
S Spekaing of which, How was Amys skrit in lets Kill Hitler?
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S Oh Thats not right!
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S How was Amys Skirt in Lets Kill Hitler?
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S And How where The Legs
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S Karen Gillan = Sex on Legs
In 1926 Agatha Christie disappeared. No one has ever been quite sure why she vanished but she re appeared ten days later in a hotel in Harrogate (North Yorkshire). Last Saturday’s Doctor Who put forward a fascinating theory for this strange episode in the life of the world’s most famous crime writer.
As you might expect, the episode was full of references to murder mysteries: an English country mansion, a thunderstorm, a jewel thief (called the Unicorn) and a knifing during a blackout. There were even a few clever allusions to the board game Cluedo in Professor Peach, whose death by lead piping in the library started the story off in fine style.
It soon became clear that the local vicar (who seemed relatively normal at the start of the story) was not all he seemed. It eventually turned out that he was one of a race of aliens called Vespiform – wasp-like creatures whose hives are located in the Silfrax Galaxy. Giant wasps flew in and out of the story all too often and rather too confusingly for my taste and I will admit to being rather baffled by it all! I’m afraid I never fully grasped exactly how the Vespiform linked to Agatha Christie’s disappearance or how the Unicorn fitted into the grand scheme of things.
Of course Doctor Who wouldn’t be the same without its rather convoluted plot lines and,overall, this was an amusing and lively adventure even though I tend to prefer the non alien based Doctor Who adventures ( alien ones are a bit too unsubtle for me). Once again though I was kept happy by the Latin references; the name of this week’s alien, the Vespiform, comes from the Latin word “vespa†meaning wasp. Hurrah for Russell T Davies and his school Latin studies!
That’s all from me this month but I look forward to reviewing another Doctor Who episode soon.
Mrs Cooper
21st May 2008
[…] got our priorities wrong about this, but what in the hell…Staggering Stories Podcast has Episode 113: Burn, Baby, Burn, Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Jay Doran, Jean Riddler and Keith Dunn talk about Torchwood: […]